logo tei creteurl: http://www.teicrete.gr/en

The Technological Educational Institute of Crete (http://www.teicrete.gr/en) was established in 1983 with the aim of offering technological education to students in Greece. Since 1983, the TEI of Crete has expanded and now comprises several Schools, including the School of Management and Economics, the School of Health and Welfare Services, the School of Applied Sciences, the School of Agricultural and Food Technology and the School of Technological Applications. In total there are 15 different departments with more than 175 members of academic staff. The implementation of the project will be conducted by the Solid Waste and Wastewater Management Laboratory and the Laboratory of Ecology, of the School of Agricultural and Food Technology.

Solid Waste and Wastewater Management Laboratory (http://www.teicrete.gr/wml)

Head of Lab: Associate Professor Thrassyvoulos Manios

Laboratory of Ecology 

Head of Lab: Associate Professor Dimitrios Kollaros